Our European Adventure Begins in Germany

We spent the night in Frankfurt to try to adjust to the time change, went to the old town, and ate dinner in a very old restaurant beside the “oldest brewery in the world”! Spring in Germany is Spargel Fest! This white asparagus, spargel, is so beloved that it is featured on every restaurant menu and grocery aisle from May to June. Spargel cream soup, spargel with hollandaise and schnitzel and salt kartoffeln…it is truly delicious!

We left Frankfurt on the way to Einbeck. The day started rainy and stayed that way! We were cold and cranky when we arrived but pleased to find a most charming hotel awaiting us with a huge bathtub to soak out the chill. Heidi’s mother’s maiden name is Einbeck and this town is also home to the famous Einbecker Bier Brauerie (only one of hundreds of breweries in the area). The town was like a postcard, filled with amazing examples of carved architecture, a church with a leaning tower and a glockenspiel playing in the town square! OMG, we are definitely in Germany!

Heidi’s grandparents lived in Mirow, former East Germany. She and her family spent many summers in Mirow with her aunts, uncles, cousins so this place has a special nostalgia for her. Except for the absence of Russian soldiers and tanks, it hasn’t changed much since the wall came down. Mirow is also the birthplace of Charlotte, Queen of England (great x 6 grandmother of the present Queen Elizabeth), namesake to many “Charlotte” named places in Canada.
Fun Fact (In Every Blog Post We Will Try To Impart A Little Aside…)
Back in the late 70’s, Heidi’s grandfather read in his fisherman’s newsletter that his little lake in little Mirow (remember this was in East Germany) was stocked with trout from the lake in Kamloops BC Canada where his daughter, Irene (Heidi’s mother) lived. It truly is a small world!

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