North America 2021-2023

When discussing our retirement plans, a North American adventure was always high on our list. Upon our return from Europe and Southeast Asia, we began our hunt for the perfect vehicle to carry us across Canada, USA, and Mexico. In early 2020 we found our trusty home on wheels, (we named her Klara after Heidi’s grandmother who lived to 99 years and 9 months), and began our planning for a summer departure, but wait, what the heck do you mean a pandemic. We used the summer of 2020 to undertake a multi-month shake-down cruise of BC and the Alberta Rockies, fine-tuning our new RV so we were ready to go whenever the borders opened again. We departed in early August 2021 crossing Canada with the hope that the US border would open before the snow began to fly in our prairies, preventing a return trip and trapping us in the Maritimes.

Lucky for us the border opened November 9th, 2021 so after spending 3 months in the Canadian Maritimes we scooted down the east coast of USA and across the south coast through Texas and into Mexico, finally settling in Melaque. This idyllic little town had everything we were looking for, authentic Mexican culture and food, (translated meaning, not a gringo resort) combined with a fantastic beachfront campground full of amazing people. The original timeline for our adventure as a year, but after discovering Melaque, the lifestyle and the people, we decided to return for another winter, and store Klara in Mexico rather than add 10,000- 15,000 km with a return trip.

The following pages are intended to outline the highlights of our adventure, we hope you enjoy reliving these wonderful experiences with us.

2 thoughts on “North America 2021-2023

  1. Hello Art & Heidi,

    We trust your latest journey has been great so far. It is quiet around Vinecrest Apts w/o you.
    A very Merry Christmas ! Norm Roaf & Gloria Saggio


  2. Hola you two!
    The months since Melaque have gone zooming by! I just received an email from Joyce which made me think about last winter and all the great folks hanging around the beach. Good times.
    I’m not familiar with how blogs work so I can’t seem to see where you are now. Are you stationary for now?


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